Gone Fishing John 21:1-14; February 23rd, 2025
1. Would you consider yourself a fisherman? What is the appeal of fishing?
2. Looking at John 21:1-3, why did Peter go fishing at this time and place? What are your thoughts on his futility that night?
3. What reasons would Peter have had to be discouraged? What reasons might a person in our time have for discouragement?
4. Describe a time when you were discouraged and God showed up in some surprising way?
5. What other Bible characters come to mind where God showed up in their discouragement? How can you find encouragement from these examples?
6. From this account in John 21, what illusions can you find to prior events in Jesus’ life and ministry? Why would He refer back to them at this particular time?
7. Look now at John 21:15-17. Why does Jesus ask Peter this question? And why three times?
8. What do you think Jesus means by “these things” as found in verse 15? I wonder what would be comparable things in your life, and mine?
9. In verse 17, what about this third time was especially grieving to Peter? If Jesus asked you this question how would you hope to answer this question?
10. How do you handle things when your limits are exposed? How would God want you to handle your frailties, futilities, and shortcomings?