Watch this video to find out who we are.

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1.   Create discipleship opportunities for spiritual depth.

Life presents many challenges. We are committed to creating opportunities for spiritual growth that will sustain a person no matter the difficulties of life. One aspect of this discipleship has a one-on-one relational component while other aspects include various classes to help someone “Learn in the light so you will be strong in the dark”.

2.   Do children’s and youth ministry well for generational influence.

The life and vitality of a church will be seen in their children’s and youth ministry. We are committed to building a foundation in our church that will prevail for generations. Efforts will be made to bring young people to a point of decision for Christ, energy supplied to help them grow, and opportunities for them to serve will abound.

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3.   Be intentional about missions for global impact.

Accomplishing God’s mission will not happen by chance. Only as we are intentional about the Great Commission will we make an impact. Mission campaigns are commonplace, prayer and financial support ongoing, and we desire to be sending church for launching long-term missionaries.


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4.   Serve our community in practical ways for local engagement. 

FBC is For Linn County. We desire to move beyond the four walls of the church building and be the church in the larger community. We seek to be supportive of area schools in many ways. Serving in our community includes grief support groups, oil change events for single moms, Faith in Action Sunday, and our school partnerships.

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5.    Do things with excellence for God’s glory.

Our best energy will be given to our ministry efforts and facilities. We try for continuous growth and improvement as a way to bring glory God and remove distractions from people moving closer to God.



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6.   Manage God’s resources for responsible stewardship.

God has generously given so much. We recognize God as the owner and we are simply managers. Since they are on loan to us, we will use our time, talent, and treasure for the advancing of God’s kingdom.

7. Fully engage in worship to align our lives with God.

We were created for worship; to bring glory to God. We gather weekly to worship through singing and teaching from God’s Word. This serves as a weekly reminder of our highest priority and a chance for course correction back to our original, created purpose.  We desire to create a culture of worship.